The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
A.B. Classical Studies (with honors), A.B. Computer Science, June 2023
Work Experience
United Airlines, Early Career Digital Leadership Program Associate (August 2023 - present)
Rotation 4: Developer - ORION Design System
Rotation 3: UX Designer - CoreUX
- Created and updated designs for a variety of informational pages on in collaboration with strategists, copywriters, and developers
- Leveraged Atmos, United’s customer-facing design system, to ensure adherence to brand guidelines as well as design consistency and accessibility
- Designed and prototyped a novel proof of concept for the United app in conjunction with a team of stakeholders
Rotation 2: Associate Threat Detection Engineer
- Attended Splunk .conf24 and Splunk University App Developer Bootcamp
- Designed a proof of concept for a bespoke Threat Detection-as-Code solution
- Used Splunk’s REST API to develop said proof of concept
Rotation 1: UI Developer - ORION Design System
- Developed web components for ORION, an internal UX design library
- Updated existing components to improve functionality
- Participated in roadmapping future development
- Gave presentations on ORION to a variety of audiences
The University of Chicago Department of Computer Science, Teaching Assistant (March 2023 - May 2023)
Worked as a Teaching Assistant for the second course of the new introductory computer science sequence (CMSC 14200). In this role, I:
- Led weekly discussion sections with students
- Held office hours twice a week
- Graded student work
- Collaborated with a team of instructors, TAs, and graders to improve the course
United Airlines, Digital Technology Intern (June 2022 - September 2022)
- Developed a proof of concept application for in-terminal airport kiosks
- Collaborated with other interns on a case study project to advance United’s business strategy and presented it to the Digital Technology division
International Thespian Festival, Teaching Artist (June 2022)
- Designed and taught “Take Out the Trash: Writing Badly to Write Well”, a playwriting workshop
- Designed and taught “Beyond the Bootleg: Archiving for High School Theatre”, a theatrical archiving workshop
The University of Chicago Department of History, Research Assistant (September 2021 - March 2022)
Under the guidance of Profs. John Clegg (UChicago) and Adaner Usmani (Harvard) as part of their History of Prisons and Punishment project, I:
- Collected data on American mass incarceration
- Researched ancient Greek prisons and prison systems
- Computationally processed large, multinational datasets
United Airlines, Digital Technology Intern (June 2021 - September 2021)
- Developed UI and other elements of the Travel Ready Center for United’s Android mobile app
- Collaborated with other interns on a case study project to advance United’s business strategy and presented it to the Digital Technology division
- Developed a proof of concept for an innovative new feature in United’s Android mobile app
Court Theatre, College Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities Scholar (January 2021 - June 2021)
- Curated a digital archive documenting the effects of the events of 2020 on Court Theatre in collaboration with the Harry Ransom Center’s Theatre 2020 Project
- Worked with Court Theatre resident dramaturg Nora Titone to develop a plan for document collection and ultimately collected over 400 digital artifacts
- Presented my research at the 2021 University of Chicago Undergraduate Research Symposium
Court Theatre, Virtual Programming Technical Intern (October 2020 - December 2020)
- Assisted actors and speakers in setting up technical equipment for Zoom and Streamyard
- Troubleshot Zoom and Streamyard recording sessions and livestreams
- Sanitized technical equipment
Court Theatre, Events and Fundraising Intern (October 2019 - May 2020)
- Assisted in planning and executing events
- Wrote auction solicitation emails
- Managed attendance records in SRO and Court server
- Organized event decor storage
F.A.C.T. Camp, Organizer (January 2019 - June 2019)
- Applied for and received grant funding from the National Center for Women and Information Technology
- Developed computer science curricula
- Hired counselors
- Marketed camp through social media and outreach to local schools
App Camp for Girls, Lead Developer Intern (June 2017 - July 2018)
- Assisted in teaching iOS development to middle school girls
- Developed apps for applications for the Worldwide Developer Conference
- Wrote two algorithms for the camp curriculum
Trismegistos, TM Gods Database Co-Designer (September 2022 - May 2023)
- Co-designed a database of Greek, Roman, and Egyptian gods for my undergraduate thesis in Classical Studies that is believed to be the first of its kind
The University of Chicago Scavenger Hunt, Webmaster and Judge (June 2022 - present)
- In conjunction with a collective of judges, coordinated and ran the world’s largest annual scavenger hunt
- Redesigned Scavenger Hunt website
- Maintained Scavenger Hunt website
United Airlines, Innovate Welcome Lead (September 2023 - August 2024)
- Ran Slack groups for incoming ECDLP associates and Digital Technology interns
- Collected FAQs and answers from appropriate sources
- Wrote email communications and guides to ECDLP and the internship program, as well as a detailed housing guide for both Chicago and Houston
United Airlines, DT Intern Case Study Lead (March 2024 - August 2024)
In conjunction with another Case Study Lead, I:
- Collected seven unique business problems for intern teams to solve
- Managed a team of ECDLP associates that directly supported intern teams
- Planned and executed a half-day event in which over 40 interns presented solutions to real-world business problems in teams
The Section Six, Editor-in-Chief (August 2022 - June 2023), Co-Editor-in-Chief (June 2021 - August 2022), Managing Editor (March 2020 - June 2021)
- Revived the Hitchcock House annual after a 104-year hiatus
- Led team of editors in creating a dorm annual
- Recruited new editors
- Ran editor meetings
- Wrote and edited profiles of residents in Snell-Hitchcock Hall and other content
- Drafted emails to promote participation in and submissions to the annual
- Organized structure of annual in collaboration with fellow editors
- Reformatted digital annual for printing
- Kept minutes at editor meetings
University Theater Committee, Secretary (March 2021 - March 2022)
- Served as a member of UChicago’s University Theater Executive Committee
- Founded University Theater’s Staged Readings program
- Took minutes at Committee meetings
Court Theatre, Strategic Planning Committe Member (June 2021 - November 2021)
- Represented all students at the University of Chicago as a member of the University subcommittee
- Helped plan initiatives for Court Theatre to engage members of the University of Chicago community
The Chicago Maroon, Head Arts Editor (June 2021 - November 2021), Deputy Arts Editor (February 2021 - June 2021), Associate Arts Editor (May 2020 - February 2021)
- Laid out Arts articles in Adobe InDesign
- Coordinated section pitches
- Managed Arts communications, including email and social media
- Edited article submissions
- Wrote articles on Chicago theatre and UChicago theatre
Awards and Recognition
Harper Award for Exceptional Performance in a Course - The University of Chicago, June 2023
Awarded for exceptional work in CMSC 20370: Inclusive Technology: Designing for Underserved and Marginalized Populations, for which I designed and prototyped an application for users lacking mobility in one hand inspired by my own experiences with a sprained wrist.
HITEC Scholar - The HITEC Foundation, 2019 - 2022
Scholarship awarded to exceptional Hispanic students pursuing technical degrees.
University of Chicago National Merit Scholar - The University of Chicago & National Merit Corporation, 2019
Thespian Playworks Finalist - International Thespian Society, 2019
One of four student playwrights selected nationally to workshop and present an original short play at the 2019 International Thespian Festival.
NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Award National Honorable Mention - The National Center for Women and Information Technology, 2019
Award for my work in computer science and advocacy for women in computer science.
National Hispanic Scholar - National Hispanic Recognition Program, 2018
Human Languages in order of proficiency
English, Spanish, Ancient Greek, Modern Greek, Latin
Technical Languages in a very rough order of proficiency
TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Markdown, Python, LaTeX, C, Rust, Kotlin, Swift, Java, Haskell
Other Skills some more special than others and in no particular order
Git, GitHub, writing (for the stage and otherwise), editing, research, Microsoft Office, cake decorating, public speaking, figuring out public transit systems, doing crosswords, running scavenger hunts